Documentation for Physical Protein Interaction Relationship Annotation of the ComplexTome corpus and trigger word annotation

Relationship Annotation

General guidelines

  • Annotations should be made according to the annotator’s best understanding of the author’s intended meaning in context. For example, relations expressed using ambiguous verbs such as “associate” that express complex formation in some contexts but not others should be annotated if and only if the annotator interprets the authors as intending to describe complex formation. The annotators should only use the text excerpt they have available to make this judgement.
  • Annotators should treat all named entities as being masked. Masked is a term adopted from large language model training, and it means that the entities should be treated as if they are not visible, but the annotators knows their place in text (e.g. mutations in p53 have been associated with lung cancer should be treated as mutations in [MASK] have been associated with lung cancer). This means that annotators shouldn’t annotate relationships between entities just based on their names, when they would be unable to make the same annotations for two other entities.

Complex formation definition

Undirected binary relation associating two proteins that form a complex. Annotated for any statement implying the existence of a complex, including statements explicitly discussing the dissociation of a complex. Relevant gene ontology terms:

  • GO:0065003 (protein-containing complex assembly): The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of macromolecules to form a protein-containing complex.
  • GO:0032984 (protein-containing complex disassembly): The disaggregation of a protein-containing macromolecular complex into its constituent components.
  • GO:0032991 (protein-containing complex): A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together.

Note that by contrast to the scope of GO:0032991 (protein-containing complex) and related terms, the annotated complex formation relation is restricted to cases where both of the associated constituents are proteins, protein complexes, protein families, groups of proteins or chemicals.

Detailed guidelines

  1. Complex formation relations can be annotated between two different protein mentions, but also between the same mentions, when the masked entities could be viewed as two different entities. However, statements such as “homodimerization of A” are not annotated as Complex formation, since self-loops are not annotated in the corpus.
  2. Complexes of more than two proteins are annotated by creating all binary relations between the components.
  3. Nominalized expressions (“interaction of A and B”, “A/B interaction”, “A:B complex”) and noun phrases with any surface word that can be understood as implying the existence of a complex (“A/B complex”, “A/B heterodimer”) are annotated as expressing complex formation relations. However, in the absence of any such word, text such as “A/B” is not annotated. The text A-B will be annotated based on the understanding of the annotator from the entire context (abstract or paragraph) and not based on former biological knowledge.
    direct inhibition of NFATp/AP-1 complex formation by a nuclear hormone receptor
    T1	GGP 21 26	NFATp
    T2	Complex 27 31	AP-1
    R1	Complex_formation Arg1:T1 Arg2:T2	 
  4. Relations should not be interpreted as combinations, on the contrary each annotated relation should be valid on each own.
  5. Co-immunoprecipitation can be used as an indicator of complex formation between two NE mentions.
  6. Post-translational modifications should not receive a binding annotation unless binding is clearly mentioned in context. PTMs imply transient interactions which will not be present in physical interaction databases, so they shouldn’t be annotated as such. For an example of a corner case see Specific examples
  7. The following are generally understood as implying Complex formation:
    • consitutive association
    • stable association
  8. The following are generally understood as NOT implying Complex formation:
    • synergize
    • stabilize
  9. Incorporation of a small molecule/protein congugate to a Protein (i.e. a Post-translational modification) is Out-of-scope and should not be annotated as Complex formation
  10. If part of a protein/complex has the ability to form a complex, then the ability of the entire protein/complex to do the same can be extrapolated from that.
  11. Subcellular localization is not annotated for Complex formation even if the structure is made of proteins.
  12. When an entity is a substrate of another entity then the relation connecting them is Catalysis of protein modification and not Complex formation. Thus no annotation is added in such cases.
  13. Synthetic lethal interactions are genetic and thus are NOT annotated as Complex formation.
  14. Chemicals COVALENTLY bound to other entities are NOT annotated as Complex formation, since complex formation is non-covalent interactions.
  15. Orientation of Protein A relatively to Protein B is not enough cue to annotate Complex formation e.g. from 19858358
    Orientation of palmitoylated CaVbeta2a relative to CaV2.2
    T1	Protein 29 38	CaVbeta2a
    T2	Complex 51 57	CaV2.2
  16. Proteoforms (e.g. proteins with PTMs, or isoforms), should receive annotations as if they were the main isoform/unmodified protein e.g. from 19015234
    CDK7 binds preferentially to the SUMOylation-deficient form of SF-1
    T1	Protein 0 4	CDK7
    T2	Protein 63 67	SF-1
    R1	Complex_formation Arg1:T1 Arg2:T2
  17. Complex formation should be annotated when a Chemical binds to any other entity (Protein, Family or Complex) unless it is clearly stated that the bond is covalent (either by the fact that it is a post-translational modification or covalently bound is mentioned in the text).
  18. The interactions between members of transient intermediate complexes as part of catalytic reactions should NOT be annotated neither between Protein-Protein (e.g. kinase-substrate), nor between Protein-Chemical entities.
  19. Chemical A modulates, inhibits, acts as an agonist/antagonist for Protein B: A Complex formation relationship between A and B should be annotated (this rule applies mostly to drugs.)

Negation and speculation

  1. Statements explicitly denying the formation of a complex (e.g. “A does not bind B”) are not annotated in any way. However, if the negated statement is qualified with conditions in a way that implies that the proteins would normally form a complex, the statement is annotated as if the negation were absent (e.g. “When A is phosphorylated, it fails to form a complex with B”).
  2. Statements expressed speculatively or with hedging expressions (e.g. “may form a complex”) are annotated identically to affirmative statements (in effect, speculation and hedging are ignored).

Named Entity annotation rules

  1. Entity name mentions like ubiquitin or reporter genes (e.g. GFP) which are GGPs but are in the blocklist of our NER system, will be assigned the blocklisted attribute (see next section)
  2. Histones:
    • Tag H2, H3 etc. when they appear standalone
    • Include histone in the span when it appears with one of the names (e.g. histone H3)
    • Tag histone as Protein family or group when it appears standalone.
    • We could then either go discontinuous or decomposed for mentions such as histones H2A and H3.
    • Methylated histones are also tagged as GGP even though our NER system will not detect them
  3. Amino acid residues should not be annotated as Chemical when they are part of a polypeptide chain
  4. Glycosylphosphatidylinosiol (GPI) should not be annotated as Chemical as it cannot be a standalone chemical
  5. Determiners like the should not be included in the entity span of GGP, Protein-containing complex and Protein family or group
  6. Domains and other protein regions should NOT be annotated as GGP.
  7. In order for the annotated text to be as close as possible to the ideal NE annotation produced by the NER system, cases where only part-of mutant names are standalone entities, only these mentions should be annotated, e.g. sam35 and NOT sam35-2 is annotated as a GGP in the following example
    The essential protein Sam35 was addressed through use of the temperature-sensitive yeast mutant sam35-2.
    T1	GGP 22 27	Sam35
    T2	GGP 96 101	sam35

    An exception is when mutant names are a single word, and then they are annotated as one mutant entity e.g. rex1Delta in the following sentence:

    However, both the rex1Delta strain and the rex1-1 strain are indistinguishable from wild type.
    T1	GGP 18 27	rex1Delta
    T2	GGP 43 47	rex1
  8. Named entities that are part of antibodies should be annotated as the corresponding NE type and should receive a Note: antibody.
  9. rRNAs and tRNAs are currently annotated as GGP with noncoding attribute.
  10. Fusion proteins should be treated as two entities for the purposes of annotation and during the creation of the training dataset. These should get an Entity Attribute: Fusion. The reporter protein in fusion should get an attribute: blocklisted if it is not detect by tagger. E.g. in the example below NRIF3 will receive an Entity Attribute: Fusion and Gal4 will receive an Entity Attribute: Fusion Entity Attribute: Blocklisted:
    full-length NRIF3 fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4
    T1	GGP 12 17	NRIF3
    T2	GGP 53 57	Gal4
  11. FLAG and 6xHis are polypeptide protein tags and should receive an OOS annotation, or should not be annotated at all.
  12. ATP and ADP are annotated as OOS.
  13. GTP and GDP are annotated as Chemicals due to their function in protein signalling.

Named Entity Attributes

There are 5 Named Entity (NE) attributes in the corpus:

  1. Mutant: used to mark NEs that are mutated forms or mutants of the annotated entity
  2. Fusion: used to mark NEs which are part of fusion proteins
  3. Non-coding: used as an attribute for GGPs to denote functional non-coding RNA molecules (e.g. transfer RNA, microRNA, piRNA, ribosomal RNA, and regulatory RNAs) among others.
  4. Small protein post-translation modification: used as an attribute to denote GGPs that are covalently attached to other proteins as a result of a post-translational modification (e.g. ubiquitin, SUMO)
  5. Blocklisted: used to denote NEs that belong to one of the annotated NE types, but which are not detected by our dictionary-based NER system, since they are part of its blocklist.

Specific rules for complexes/families and plural form annotations

  • If a term is in Gene Ontology and is assigned a Protein-containing complex annotation then it is considered a Complex in this annotation effort.
  • If a term is found in Gene ontology but it is NOT a protein-containing complex, then it will NOT be considered a Complex in this effort
  • If a term is not at all present in Gene Ontology then other resources in the field will be used to decide whether it should be considered a Complex or not (e.g. Complex Portal, Reactome).
  • There is no clear distinction in Gene Ontology between small (e.g. NF-kappaB) and large (e.g. Nuclear Pore) complexes and for this reason, all these complexes will be treated the same and receive a Complex annotation
  • For cases where it is difficult to distinguish family from domain mentions, the field type in Pfam could be used to aid in making a decision (if available)
  • The words “complex”, “family” and “group” should not be part of the entity annotations.
  • Annotations should be applied to all variants of a name: e.g. NF kappaB, NF-kappaB, NFkappaB should all be marked as Protein-containing complex

Trigger word annotation

General guidelines

  • When annotators have already identified a Complex formation relationship in text, it is possible to also annotate the specific word(s) which led them to make this annotation. The words that allow their interpretation of a relationship as Complex formation are called trigger words. An example of a trigger word annotation is shown below:
    CDK7 binds to SF-1
    T1	Protein 0 4	CDK7
    T2	Protein 14 18	SF-1
    T3	Trigger 5 10	binds
  • If two or more trigger words were considered as equivalently valid they will all be annotated.
    The CD40-TRAF2 interaction
    T1	Protein 4 8	CD40
    T2	Protein 9 14	TRAF2
    T3	Trigger 8 9	-
    T4	Trigger 14 26	interaction
  • If a trigger word is discontinuous, all the constituents of the trigger words will be annotated.
    A two-hybrid screen implicated PAK1 as an OSR1 target.
    T1	Protein 31 35	PAK1
    T2	Protein 42 46	OSR1
    T3	Trigger 2 19	two-hybrid screen
    T4	Trigger 47 53	target

Annotation process

The first step towards the annotation of ComplexTome was Named Entity (NE) annotation. Both annotators annotated the four NE types (Protein, Chemical, Complex, and Family) using the Named Entity annotation rules above. We used an automated dictionary-based NER system to assist the manual annotation process. The system detects Protein names in text and helps speed up the process of NE annotation. Since the system does not have perfect precision or recall, the annotators manually corrected any errors produced by it and added annotations for all NE types. It is important to note that the main objective of this study does not revolve around developing a corpus specifically for biomedical NER. Therefore, no Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) measurements are reported for this specific task, in contrast to the evaluation of relations. For the same reasons, no NE normalization has been performed. After the annotation of NEs in all documents was complete, the annotators could proceed to relation annotation to calculate IAA for relation annotation. No changes to NE annotations were performed at this stage to allow for correct evaluation statistic measurements.

The annotators were provided with at least 20 common documents for each round of IAA calculations. The annotators were not allowed to be in contact and discuss any cases before metric calculation for each IAA round, so as not to affect the measurements and negatively affect the process.

In the first round of IAA, the annotators were provided with documents from the BioNLP ST 2009 development set and an initial set of guidelines, corresponding to the General guidelines and Complex formation definition guidelines mentioned above. They were then asked to annotate to the best of their ability and note any more rules they think are relevant for consistency, as well as specific examples that they think would aid the annotation process if included in the annotation documentation. We quantified the IAA by calculating Cohen’s kappa for the two annotators. Cohen’s kappa is defined as κ = (Po – Pe)/(1-Pe). Po refers to the observed probability of agreement between two annotators, whereas Pe is the expected probability of agreement by random chance. For the first round of IAA Cohen’s kappa was κ = 0.90. The annotators reviewed their disagreements which led to updating the detailed guidelines section to ensure their agreement during the next rounds of IAA and the corpus annotation.

After updating the guidelines the annotators were provided with an additional set of 20 documents from the BioNLP ST 2009 development set. IAA was calculated again and κ = 0.93.

After further updates to the detailed guidelines the annotators moved to the third round of IAA. This time they were provided with 30 documents from the 400 full-text excerpts extracted from resources enriched in positive relationships (see our paper for more details). IAA was calculated (κ = 0.92) in this different set of documents and was found to be very high once again. Annotators revisited their disagreements and updated the guidelines.

Since, in the previous three rounds of IAA, κ was always greater than 0.9, we decided to have one final round of IAA, if its value was again above 0.9. This time 20 documents from the 400 abstracts extracted from resources enriched in positive relationships were selected and annotated by both annotators. Their agreement was once again very high (κ = 0.91), and with that the IAA process concluded.

After the IAA process was complete, and during the entire period of corpus annotation, the two annotators remained in contact and had weekly meetings to discuss difficult cases, when they encountered them. Updates to the detailed guidelines also took place during that time, as well as some updates on NE annotations when deemed necessary.

Setting up a BRAT server

The Zenodo project associated with ComplexTome contains both ComplexTome in BRAT format and the trigger word corpus in BRAT format as well as test set predictions for both ComplexTome and the trigger word corpus. You can view all these files by installing BRAT, following these instructions. Then you can download and copy all the data hosted in Zenodo, using the links provided above, and add them in the data directory inside the directory where you installed BRAT. For more details on how to use BRAT please look at the manual page.

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